I fail to understand when the Honorable
Supreme Court of India passes any verdict or comment against any Union
Minister of his or her's involvement or complicity in any particular
affair which is against the established constitutional norms
or issues of corruption in which he or she is if not directly but
indirectly accused and the Parliament is held at ransom by the
opposition parties thus causing huge loss to the public exchequer, is it
not fair that such VIPs should in all earnestness and with humble
submission resign from their respective positions thus giving an astute
example of high morality. But unfortunately it never happened with both
these tainted ministers and when the most amiable and leader of the
stature of Sonia Gandhi expressed her public ire over their obstinacy of
these greedy politicians in not leaving their respective chairs of
political, economic profitability and comforts, Ashwani Kumar and Pawan
Bansal were constrained to resign. Is it not true and fair that had they
resigned on the very first day of the eruption of the controversy on
moral grounds not only had their public image been elevated or enhanced
in the eyes of the people of the country but so much hue and cry which
was raised by the media against the UPA-2 would have disappeared
forthwith. This is called lust for power. Thanks to Sonia Gandhi who
made them surrender. She is the one who honestly established her true
political credentials of ethics, morality and pure heart when she
out rightly gave up the most significant post of the Prime Minister ship
of the largest democracy of the world. Hats off to her.
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