बुधवार, 15 मई 2013

Will Nawaz Sharief prove actually Shareef for India - SUNIL NEGI

WILL SHARIEF's entry in Pakistan be fruitful for India.......The victory of Nawaz Sharief's Party in Pakistan in the recently held national election is a history in the sense that it is for the first time that in Pakistan a duly elected government is going to receive political power from the earlier political establishment duly elected by peoples' verdict. Nawaz Sharief's democratic victory is though a welcome news for all the right thinking people and the democracies of the world including India, but the moot point is will the former genuinely work and aspire for maintaining the harmonious relations with India and establish an example of the sort in in the sub continent. Its a genuine fact that India is a peaceful country and is very interested to maintain stable and harmonious relations with Pakistan and had been in fact striving hard to do so all these years but the most non-cooperative, hostile and rather deliberate attempt on the part of Pakistan to spread terror and ramphant killings in J&k, Mumbai, Delhi and various parts of India in collaboration with the notorious ISI speaks of the fact that it is hell bent upon to destroy India and serve Pakistan's local political interests. It is high time that India has tolerated all this and in my personal opinion enough is enough. I appeal to Nawaz SHARIEF TO MEND HIS WAYS AND genuinely and transparently try to maintain harmonious and cordial relations with India as this the best bet for
Pakistan otherwise it'll be too late. My request to all my face book friends is to post their significant views on this most pivotal diplomatic issue of Indo- pakistan relations and express their wholehearted views without any prejudices but in wider national and international interest.
However I think NawaZ Sharief holds a soft corner for India as compared to the previous Pakistani rulers....
I also think the total percentage polled was not more than 25 to 30percent and people of pakistan are definitely fed up with the incessant increase in terror attacks within their own country putting everthing at stake every then and now. Majority of the electorates in Pakistaan now want peace and healthy relationship between India and Pakistan. This is the crux of the matter and therefore Nawaj Sharief is as on date interested in this regard. His recent interview to HT the very first toany indian Newspaper spoke of the fact that Nawaz is for better relations with India come what may and want to end terrorism in his country with a heavy hand and also is desirous of bringing the Army under his direct control by all means.

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