शुक्रवार, 29 मार्च 2013
Garib's initiative on "Chakbandi" hailed- Sunil Negi
The tremendous work done and sincere and dedicated efforts energized by Ganesh Singh Garib for the last thirty long years in the field of CHAKBANDI in Uttarakhand by selling all his precious belongings including a shop in Lodi Road's Khanna Market where he used to rectify radios to arrange for the sustenance of his family thirty years ago from now is such a unique example of selflessness, one would have never heard about it earlier. This unique example of carrying on Chakbandi Aandolan in whole of UK incessantly without any self or vested interest is truly commendable. I have personally seen Ganesh Singh Garib, Negiji, rectifying Radios in his shop in Lodi Roads' Khanna Market during the seventies when one day all of a sudden he sold this pretty shop at extremely cheaper rate and came to Garhwal his native place to carry forward his long time dream of Chakbandi. He was recently felicitated by the Chief Minister of UK in New Delhi's constitution club, with a citation, shawl and 21 thousand rupees. Ganesh Singh Garib has devoted his complete life for Chakbandi of UK and no right thinking person including the subsequent governments of UK since the formation of the separate state since 2000 have paid any heed to this great man's efforts and initiative to save the fields of the hills. Keeping in view the sincere, dedicated, committed and selfless efforts of Ganesh Singh Garib, a crusader of the cause of Chakbandi, the workers and volunteers of Chakbandi Andolan in UK have proposed to celebrate 1st of March as the Chakbandi Diwas in whole of UK to promote the cause of Negi's long pending dream come true. The volunteers of Chakbandi Andolan have appealed to one and all Uttrakhandies in UK as well as in various cities, towns and metropolies of India to light atleast one candle or Diya over their house top to make this great struggle of Chakbandi a great success in future and also to enlighten the sate government to pay heed to this significant cause in the near future. We pay our respects and reverence to great Ganesh Singh Negi, Garib and assure him of our fullest support and cooperation in the immediate future.
I was invited by the TV hundred Himalaya, the prominent news channel of UK on Sunday, the 6th of January' for participating in a debate on the issue of Gairsain,the would be Summer capital of Uttarakhand as recently announced by the Chief Minister of UK Vijay Bahuguna, seven months after assuming the charge at the helm of the Congress government. Participating with me in the debate were two other colleagues namely Harish Joshi and Gopal Upreti, active in the Uttrakahnd movement . The agenda of the discussion was whether Gairsain should be the full fleged or a part time capital of UK as announced by the CM, Vijay Bahuguna or his simultaneous decision to construct a full time capital in Dehradun at the cost of Rs. 87 crores is the correct decision and in conformity to the wishes of the people of Uttarakhand. The anchor of the debate which lasted for an hour and was live telecast in whole of Uttarakhand Girish Kharait also asked whether the opposition of BJP, the main opposition of UK is right in outrightly condemning this move of the incumbant CM for partially announcing the decision of making Gairsain as only the grishmakaalin Rajdhani of UK than to declare it a full time capital as per the wishes and aspirations of majority of the people of UK. The debate was quite acrimonious and hectic as all the participants were for the full time declaration of the capital of UK as Gairsain then to name it merely the summer capital by way of starting the construction of the Vidhan Sabha Building there from 14 of January 2013 on the pious occassion of Makar Sankranti to be inaugurated by the Chief Minister as the formal programme of UPA, chairperson visiting Gairsain earlier had been cancelled in view of the inclement and bad weather. Being the key participant as journalist and the Chairman of the Uttarakhand Journalists Forum, I strongly castigated and condemned the BJP and the UKD for being so cool, ignorant and complacent towards declaring Garsain as the capital of UK when they were collectively ruling Uttarakhand since 2000 till 2012, including the ruling Congress. I questioned the BJP leadership of the state, outrightly to answer my question as to where were they during all these years when they had Khanduriji, Pokhriyalji, Nityanand Swamyji and Koshiyariji as their chief ministers and where was the UKD all these years, particularly when their MLA Diwakar Bhatt was the Minister of Cabinet rank in the BJP government from 2007 till 2012. Now when the present CM of Congress Vijay Bahuguna has soon, after coming into power merely after seven months declared Gairsain as the summer capital of the 12 year old state, then instead of appreciating him and patting him on his back they are as usual just condemning him as the former's historical decision has put the BJP literally on the back foot on this historic and long pending issue which has resulted in straightaway honoring the sentiments and emotions of the movement workers of the separate state who have sacrificed their precious lives for this most noble cause. My point was, why should we not give Mr.Bahuguna an opportunity to at least let the work of the summer capital or Vidhan Bhawan start formally in Gairsain at the cost of Rs. 25 crores at least for the time being and can later on pressurise the government on the issue of making Garsain the fulltime capital. If this vexed issue was not thought about during the last 12 years by the BJP, UKD and other participants in the previous governments, how can it be possible to arrive at a one time solution of fullcapital,in Gairsain which practically involves tremendous amount of various formalities and official notifications and involvement of hundreds of crores of Rupees. The fact of the matter is that after the announcement of Mr. Bahuguna to name Gairsain as the summer capital of UK, the UKD and the BJP has been compelled to goon the back foot and now the issue of political credit has been hijacked by Bahuguna and Congress from these politically greedy and overambitious parties. The debate was in totality very interesting and acrimonious and reached the conclusion that if a positive start has been made by the incumbant chief minister everybody should welcome it subject to exercising more pressure on the government to gradually declare Gairsain as the full time capital than to just unhealthily criticize for the sake of criticizm.
The Sai Baba Of Shirdhi who is considered to be the last walking God on earth and worshiped by billions around the globe always believed in simplicity and had no greed for any material gains but instead had only one objective in mind and that was service to the poor and needy and make them self sufficed by all means. For Sai Baba Guru is God and the one who surrenders to his or her Guru in totality is considered the true disciple who can ultimately reap the real fruits of the Guru's blessings.The Guru will take care of such disciples, protect them and finally lead them to salvation. It should be complete and total surrender on the Guru's feet with special emphasis on "total" and any doubt or mental reservation on the part of the disciple will not only be unproductive but will also render him as a non- achiever. Sai Baba who reigned as a spiritual leader, the greatest saints of all times finally became God who walked on earth by his infinite miracles for the welfare of the hapless, poor and needy including the lepers who not only became economically self reliant and got cured from the dreaded diseases but also achieved salvation by His grace and ever lasting divinity. I honestly consider my good luck and feel it my proud privilege for having been able to compile articles on Sai Baba, the real incarnation of Lord Shiva and Vishnu Who not only provide me special potential to do so but also gives enough knowledge to be able to pen my inner feelings about Baba. Baba was and is so great, omnipresent and omniscient that storehouse of knowledge and senior journalist like Rangaswamy Parthasarthy has also written lot about HIM and shed special light on Baba's karmas for the welfare and upliftment of the poorest sections of the society during His lifetime.Lot and lot has been written about Baba and His miraculous feats for the last hundred years which has not noly benefited billions of His ardent devotees world over to follow His most precious sermons and religious discourses and imbibe them within themselves for attaining purity of mind, heart and soul but Baba's blessing and divinity has also given complete BLISS to them who pray in veneration at HIS pious feet in total surrender. Let's therefore know about Baba's actual existence as a HUMAN and his various feats and miracles during his lifetime in Shridhi where he came as a fakir through a marriage party(Baraat), was teased by children and frowned upon by sceptically villagers initially and later on remained to reign as a spiritual leader thus finally becoming the most sought after and adoring spiritual leader of all times.
It is said that Sai Baba was five feet six inches tall, neither stout nor lean. His complexion was Golden yellow, his eyes bluish, which shone bright mysteriously in darkness. Indeed His eyes were the object of wonder to the devotees. His nostrils were prominent. At the time when Sai Shradhanandji, who has given the above description of Baba in the book titled, God Who Walked On Earth- The Life and Times of Shridhi Sai Baba,authered by Mr. Rangachari, Sai Baba had some of His teeth missing and the rest were not pure white, rather pale.He never brushed His teeth but only rinsed His mouth with a little water every morning. He did not drink tea but did not ask His devotees to abstain from them. He never disclosed anyone how and when He got into the habit of smoking a pipe. He always used the same clay pipe although devotees often offered Him many pipes which he did not use but stocked them in the hollow portion of the Masjid Wall.
The piece of cloth tied around His head called Kafni was very rarely changed and never washed. Whenever Sai Baba decided to change His Kafni, He sent for the local tailor and said, Get me a Kafni,. When it was given to Him He always paid the tailor more than its worth. Left to Himself Baba spoke very little. He always preferred to be a silent spectator than to be talkative. He was more at the receiving end, always chanting God's name within Himself. Baba usually remained calm and quite and spoke only when absolutely necessary. He never laughed loudly but smiled quietly. Whenever a devotee approached to Him for Darshan, He glanced at him. Sometimes He did not even do that. He adored children very much and whenever got the opportunity, played with them merrily. He never sat leaning against the wall in the mosque. Even when he sat with His legs outstretched, He always sat a few feet away from the wall. He never slept during the day and seldom visited any temple in Shridhi during his lifetime, may be because since He Himself was the God in Himself, the real an true incarnation of Lord Shiva,Rama, and Vishnu.
Sai Baba used to usually get His head shaved. Marthand son of Mhalsapati said that on certain occassions Baba sent for a barber, Balanari and had His head shaved completely. After the haircut Baba used to put His hand into His pocket and pay the barber whatever came to his hands. But it was always much in excess of the normal payment for a shave. Baba maintained a small beard. He had a wide forehead and always wore a plain Kafni. The clay pipe was often renewed by His devotees who used to encircle Him whenever the pipe smoking session was in process by passing the rustic pipe to each other one by one. Baba never had any reservation of sharing the pipe though it was also smoked by one of the lepers'.In one of the notings in his diary by his devotee Kharparde, it is revealed thus," Today I have shampooed the legs of Sai Baba. The softness of His limbs is wonderful. This example shows how privileged His devotees felt by washing his legs".
Similarly a woman devotee of Baba has also recorded her emotions and impressions about Baba's personality,:" There was such power and penetration in His glance that none could continue to look into His eyes.One felt that Sai Baba was reading Him or her mind through and through. Soon one lowered one's eyes and bowed to Him. One felt that He was not only in one's heart but in every atom of one's body. A few words or a gesture would reveal that Baba knew all about everything else. There was nothing else to do for one except to submit trustfully and to surrender to Him in totality. And then He was to look after every minute detail and guide one safely through every turn and vicissitude of life. He was in real sense an Antaryami, call Him God or Satpurush or a walking humanitarian on earth born for the welfare and well being for the humanity around the globe.
Baba was so reserve from within and completely devoted to GOD that His words were always short, limited, pithy,deep, full of meaning and well balanced. He once said," Though I have become a fakir, have no house, wife and though devoid of all the material gains, I have stayed at one place, the inevitable Maya teases me often. Though I forget myself, I cannot forget her. She envelopes me. This maya teases God Brahma and others as well then what to speak of a poor fakir like me? Hence according to Baba, those who take refuge in Lord will definitely be freed from the clutches of Maya with His grace.
An ardent devotee of Baba said : many saints went into a trance or samadhi, forgetting their body and they would display their supernatural powers and knowledge through such feats. But in case of Sai Baba He never had to go into a trance to achieve anything or reach any higher position. As Baba was always exercising a double consciousness every moment , the ego called Sai Baba and the antaryami, superseding all egos and finally resting in the Lord, the Parmatma. Baba was always in the state of exercising and manifesting the powers and features of both states of consciousness. The devotee says: When I sit in His presence I always forget my pain, nay,the body itself with all its mundane concerns and anxieties. Hours would pass and I would be in a blissful condition unconscious of the time passing. He was all in all for us and we could never think of His having limitations.
One notable instance of Baba's miracle was when a portion of the mosque which was in a very dilapidated state, started to crumble with a loud noise while Baba and His devotees were taking the afternoon meals," On seeing this, Baba lifted his hands in anger and said loudly: SAHA, SAHAR," meaning wait, wait. And suddenly the noise stopped and after the meal was finished and everyone came out comfortably, a big portion of the dilapidated mosque came down with a shattering noise and huge bang, exactly at the place where Baba and his devotees were having the lunch. Lateron the renovation work of mosque was taken and the dilapidated mosque repaired, forthwith.Similarly Baba used to used His intestines regularly by vomiting them out first and after adequately cleaning them would swallow them again. This miraculous feat is also something never witnessed anywhere in the world. Such supernatural power was He. There are hundreds and thousands of such instances that prove beyond doubt that Sai Baba of Shridhi was not an ordinary saint or a spiritual leader but a God in Him self who till today is providing overall bliss, all round progress and prosperity to billions and billions of his devotees around the globe with His blessings and divinity.OM SAI RAM.
Are we Heading for early elections -BY SUNIL NEGI
Do you think that that there is a possibility
of our country going for the Mid Term Polls in view of the sudden
withdrawal of support by the DMK from UPA-2 and increasing obstinate
attitude and the posture of SAMAJWADI PARTY HELL bent upon demanding the
ouster of the Union Minister Beni Prasad Verma for uttering highly
objectionable words for the SP Supremo. Though it's a well known fact
that no politician of the country
irrespective of their party affiliations will take the risk of losing
his or her Membership of Parliament which accompanies vast comforts and
economic fascilities but sometimes futile egos and political compulsions
do result in changing the political destinies of the nation. The
present situation therefore sounds something like this. Let's use our
wisdom and evaluate the situation . Is the Mid term poll an
inevitability this time requires an answer.
Sir, when I was associated with late H.N.
Bahuguna a stalwart of indian politics , he always used to say that
unless the political and economic power is not decentralised and the
fruits of developments are not distributed amongst the person living in
the most remote corner of the state or country, the purpose of actual
independence will not be achieved. We have attained separate entit as a
state in 2000, but the fruits of
development have not reached the villiages and hence there is tremendous
influx towards the cities called palaayan. Villages are badly being
emptied as there is tremendous dearth of jobs and health fescilities in
the villages, block headquarters or the towns of UK. Even the capital of
DD has no good hospital. People are dying on the way. The concept of
making Gairsain the actual capital of UK therefore is to transfer the
economic and political power to the interiors of the state so that the
actual voter is benefitted economically, politically, socially,
educationally, scientifically, industrially and from the medical point
of view as there will be inside development. The same trend of
development will then move to other areas of the interiors of UK and we
will get ourselves rid of the so called elite taste and culture that
had actually engulfed the taste, temperament and brains of our
buareaucrats who are enjoying the actual fruits of comforts and luxories
in Dehradun and do not want to go towards the villages. Therefore the
call of the time is to sooner or later shift the capital to Gairsain and
the recent step of constructing a VIdhan Bhawan is a constructive step
in that direction. Let's allow building of this Vidhan Bhawan first and
then increase our pressure on the government to make Gairsain a
fullfleged capital of UK.
I respect the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand
very much for primarily two basic reasons, one - b,cause I have worked
in close proximity with his late father and a political stalwart Sh.
Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna for say more than a decade as a full timer and
second, since Vijay resigned from a very significant position of a High
Court Judge of Mumbai to join active politics, in my personal opinion,
being a well read and an intelligent
person he fully deserved to be revered and respected as a dignified
politician. There is no doubt about the fact that Bahuguna was lucky
enough to have easily and conveniently captured the significant chair of
the Chief Ministership of UK eight months ago from now, despite of
various challenges and straight odds. It's undoubtedly a hard fact that
since his assuming the office as UK's chief administrator, he is
confronting various political odds from the opposition as well as from
his own political party from within. But to the utter surprise of all,
Mr. Bahuguna proved immensely successful in intruding upon his political
detractors by doing tremendous hard work in UK and also by way of
announcing various important decisions including the one, regarding the
declaration of Gairsain as the temperory or summer capital of UK, though
still not announced fully but can take the shape like that later on in
the coming time. Apart from this historic decision, he has also been
credited to announce various populist measures like increasing the
salaries of medical practitioners of UK to Rs.1.25 lacs per month and
also raising perks of many other catagories of the government employees.
He also faced number of protests though silently but within his own
party when he managed the parliamentary ticket for his son Saket after
having been lost the election at the hands of the political novice , the
Maharani of Tehri Garhwal. But despite of all these huge odds, Mr.
Bahuguna comfortably managed the situation of the state and was
literally ruling UK as a free leader bereft of any political wranglings
or challanges as were being confronted earlier through
his old rival and traditional political enemy Harish Rawat.
But what genuinely makes me draw a very poor opinion about him is the recently made childish psychophantic statement by him asking Rahul Gandhi to take the cudgels of the Congress Party in his hands by naming him as the future Prime Minister of India in the coming 2014 general elections and subsequently being badly shrugged off and scolded by the latter publicly thus demoralising not only him but whole of Uttarakhand because Vijay Bahuguna is today the Chief Minister of this state and any insult or casting of asp[ersions on him clearly tentamounts to the insult of whole of UK. Though one can't doubt on the capability and potential of Mr. Bahuguna to take UK to the highest altitudes of progress but in future he should definitely exercise caution while appreciating the leadership and should instead concentrate on the progress and prosperity of he 12 years' old state called UK. That's my humble advice to him being his well wisher.
his old rival and traditional political enemy Harish Rawat.
But what genuinely makes me draw a very poor opinion about him is the recently made childish psychophantic statement by him asking Rahul Gandhi to take the cudgels of the Congress Party in his hands by naming him as the future Prime Minister of India in the coming 2014 general elections and subsequently being badly shrugged off and scolded by the latter publicly thus demoralising not only him but whole of Uttarakhand because Vijay Bahuguna is today the Chief Minister of this state and any insult or casting of asp[ersions on him clearly tentamounts to the insult of whole of UK. Though one can't doubt on the capability and potential of Mr. Bahuguna to take UK to the highest altitudes of progress but in future he should definitely exercise caution while appreciating the leadership and should instead concentrate on the progress and prosperity of he 12 years' old state called UK. That's my humble advice to him being his well wisher.
By Sunil Negi
The news in one of the TV News channels that Damini or NIrbhaya has been allotted a DDA flat by the Government of India apart from the financial aid of millions of Rupees to her give me a sense of immense satisfaction that our government of the day has at least honored the out cries of millions of people of our country against the most brutal, horrendous, horrifying, ghastly and shameful gang rape of a 23 year old innocent physiotherapy student who was later on most tortuously murdered in a running bus in South Delhi on 16 th of December 2012. It is undoubtedly a non controversial fact that our sister and daughter Damini is today the icon of billions of women of the globe who are today confronted with such factual tragedies and who encounter such shameful incidents and then counter the same by the dint of their hard bravery and intelligence. But what makes me bothered about the indifferent attitude of the government of the day is that hundreds and thousands of such Daminies' and Nirbhayas' are tortured constantly in India including in the capital city of India but they are not given the same treatment as given to Damini. The case in question is of KIREN NEGI who was just 8 months before the most ghastly incident of Damini, kidnapped and thereafter gang raped brutally and then subsequently murdered most tortuously in Haryana, thus leaving her poor, economically deprived and hapless family in the stage of immense lurch and economic jeopardy, despite of the fact that this only earning merely 19 years' old girl of Uttrakhandi origin was waylaid first near her house in Najafgarh , then brutally gang raped and thereafter most tortuously murdered in broad daylight. The basic question from the government of Delhi and India is that if the family of Damini can receive compensation of more than 50 lac rupees and a DDA flat, why the discrimination against the Uttarakhandi girl of government of NCT of Delhi who constitute the population to the tune of more than 30 lacs in numbers in Delhi. We are for Damini and her family which is in tremendous distress but out moot question is, why this step motherly treatment with KIRAN NEGI and her poor and hapless family who were completely and wholly dependent on her salary as she was the only earning member responsible for the sustenance of her large family. Today, the whole family in immense economic jeopardy and hardship. May we therefore demand from the government of Delhi and the government of India to be fair and impartial towards the family of Kiran Negi as well and provide her with all the necessary financial benefits and assistance including a DDA House at par with Damini as the law of the land is equal and at parity with each and every case irrespective of any difference or status. This is a genuine request which I think will be addressed to by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Delhi without any further inordinate delay keeping in view the uniformity of law enforcing agencies and justice to all with equality.
The news in one of the TV News channels that Damini or NIrbhaya has been allotted a DDA flat by the Government of India apart from the financial aid of millions of Rupees to her give me a sense of immense satisfaction that our government of the day has at least honored the out cries of millions of people of our country against the most brutal, horrendous, horrifying, ghastly and shameful gang rape of a 23 year old innocent physiotherapy student who was later on most tortuously murdered in a running bus in South Delhi on 16 th of December 2012. It is undoubtedly a non controversial fact that our sister and daughter Damini is today the icon of billions of women of the globe who are today confronted with such factual tragedies and who encounter such shameful incidents and then counter the same by the dint of their hard bravery and intelligence. But what makes me bothered about the indifferent attitude of the government of the day is that hundreds and thousands of such Daminies' and Nirbhayas' are tortured constantly in India including in the capital city of India but they are not given the same treatment as given to Damini. The case in question is of KIREN NEGI who was just 8 months before the most ghastly incident of Damini, kidnapped and thereafter gang raped brutally and then subsequently murdered most tortuously in Haryana, thus leaving her poor, economically deprived and hapless family in the stage of immense lurch and economic jeopardy, despite of the fact that this only earning merely 19 years' old girl of Uttrakhandi origin was waylaid first near her house in Najafgarh , then brutally gang raped and thereafter most tortuously murdered in broad daylight. The basic question from the government of Delhi and India is that if the family of Damini can receive compensation of more than 50 lac rupees and a DDA flat, why the discrimination against the Uttarakhandi girl of government of NCT of Delhi who constitute the population to the tune of more than 30 lacs in numbers in Delhi. We are for Damini and her family which is in tremendous distress but out moot question is, why this step motherly treatment with KIRAN NEGI and her poor and hapless family who were completely and wholly dependent on her salary as she was the only earning member responsible for the sustenance of her large family. Today, the whole family in immense economic jeopardy and hardship. May we therefore demand from the government of Delhi and the government of India to be fair and impartial towards the family of Kiran Negi as well and provide her with all the necessary financial benefits and assistance including a DDA House at par with Damini as the law of the land is equal and at parity with each and every case irrespective of any difference or status. This is a genuine request which I think will be addressed to by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Delhi without any further inordinate delay keeping in view the uniformity of law enforcing agencies and justice to all with equality.
Sunil negi in conversation with renowned environmentalist..Sunderlal Bahuguna.
I returned back from Uttrakhand just today evening after having been busy in few family marriages and ofcourse some of the personal engagements. The trip was undoubtedly fantastic and quite refreshing as I was not only able to meet my old acquaintances in my village and Pauri, a small town always bubbling with hectic activity amidst serene beauty of snow peaked Himalayas, particularly the beautiful CHAUKHAMBA range of peaks measuring 7138, 7070, 6995, & 6854 meters in altitudes, respectively. My colleagues of the journey, namely real brother Anil Negi, Rattan Rawat, Rajinder Singh and cousin Ravi made the whole trip not only extremely exciting, memorable by their most enchanting and affectionate behaviour and cooperation but the sense of humor possessed by them was also excellently fantastic. We collectively attended three marriages one in my village and two in Dehradun and the amount of respect and cordiality received by us was tremendous which always kept our moral high during these four days. However this was entirely a personal visit , my most fortunate and significant achievement was meeting the most respected figure of the country and the environmentalist of world fame Sunder Lal Bahugunaji, who is recuperating in Dehradun and seeking treatment for speedy recovery. I want to extend my sincere gratitude to him for having been able to meet us who went to him to wish him good luck for his speedy recovery and also to seek his pivotal blessings. What makes me thrilled that despite of his not being in very good health, Mr. Bahuguna not only welcomed us to the hilt but also talked lot about his serious concerns over the ecological degradation of the Himalayas, acute depletion of water resources in Uttrakhand, construction of huge dams in the Himalayas at the expense of the precious lives of people and animals, speedy degradation of environment and the tributaries of UK, tremendous increasing in the migratory influx towards the cities and the metropolis of the country due to non availability of basic health and job avenues and the shocking increase in the illegal and illicit nexus between the government, bureaucrats and the contractors who are hell bent upon making the hills completely a sciesmic zone, more prone to disastrous earthquakes by way of incessant illegal excavations of minerals, mud, stones, deforestation and also extraction of other valuable materials including ramphant increase in corruption in the society. At the age of more than eighty years and having a frail body with weak health, I was thrilled to hear this great saint and an expert of international standard on environment talking extempore on the subject like an uninterrupted talking machine and expressing his serious concerns about the incessantly degrading ecology, environment and conversion of living rivers into dead ones due to the faulty anti-people policies of the government at the state as well at the central level, irrespective of the fact whether it's the government of NDA or UPA. While appreciating his serious concern for the Himaylayan safeguards and the good of the state as well as the country, Mr. Bahuguna expressed his complete rejection for the construction of large Dams in the state expressing the fear that if the highly ambitious Tehri Dam collapses in the future Meerut will be completely submerged in just 15 minutes while whole of Western Uttar Pradesh in few hours. He felt sorry, that his 74 days incessant fast for saving the himalayas against the contruction of huge dams, which was broken by the then Prime Ministers' Narsimha Rao or Deve Gowda has not been able to educate the Indian executive machinery while the world learnt a lesson from it. My meeting with Mr, Bahuguna was therefore not only a pleasent one but was also an opportunity to meet a living legend of environmental protection, popular universally.
सोमवार, 11 मार्च 2013
शुक्रवार, 8 मार्च 2013
Woman's Day
Woman is someone without whom life becomes hard to live. She is an inspiration, a reason of existence, a fierce competitor and an object of lust. Its hard to understand woman's life from the point of view of a man.
The inspiration because it encourages a man to do some extra-ordinary things in life. Like a teenager staying up all night just to receive a text from her of good night, reason for him to pump iron in the gym, to explore the hidden poet in himself and to make her proud with his deeds and efforts.
The reason for existence as she is the one who gave birth to life and more importantly nurtures us. But still the creator of the world is referred as Him and she as mother nature who stays close to her children and never expecting any gratitude in return.
The source of lust because in this world there is no drug equivalent to her. A man wants to get lost with her even if its for few moments. He doesn't remember or wants to remember anything in them. Unfortunately, she becomes a victim in this play than a partner, merely an object who could give pleasure as deep as an ocean but couldn't receive a drop in return.
The most fierce competitor as she knows all the weak points of a man. She is more determined than him and million times more patient. She could guide a team with her compassion and lead her way out with her strong will power.
She is someone without whom we are nothing and yet here we are celebrating her day reminding ourselves her existence.
The inspiration because it encourages a man to do some extra-ordinary things in life. Like a teenager staying up all night just to receive a text from her of good night, reason for him to pump iron in the gym, to explore the hidden poet in himself and to make her proud with his deeds and efforts.
The reason for existence as she is the one who gave birth to life and more importantly nurtures us. But still the creator of the world is referred as Him and she as mother nature who stays close to her children and never expecting any gratitude in return.
The source of lust because in this world there is no drug equivalent to her. A man wants to get lost with her even if its for few moments. He doesn't remember or wants to remember anything in them. Unfortunately, she becomes a victim in this play than a partner, merely an object who could give pleasure as deep as an ocean but couldn't receive a drop in return.
The most fierce competitor as she knows all the weak points of a man. She is more determined than him and million times more patient. She could guide a team with her compassion and lead her way out with her strong will power.
She is someone without whom we are nothing and yet here we are celebrating her day reminding ourselves her existence.
गुरुवार, 7 मार्च 2013
12 years Indian smarter than Einstein!
Neha Ramu, an Indian origin girl in UK has scored 162 in her IQ test
which is considered higher than the scores of Albert Einstein and Stephen
Neha, who is just 12 years old and whose parents are doctors moved to UK
when she was seven. The score puts her in top 1 percent brightest people
in the UK.
She took the test for Mensa, a society for people with high IQs, and
achieved a perfect score of 280/280, the maximum possible score for someone
under the age of 18.
I am not just $20 Billion
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Alwaleed bin Talal, prince of Saudi Arabia |
Alwaleed bin Talal, prince and grandson of Saudi Arabia founder King Abdulaziz bin Saud is displeased with Forbes annual billionaires list in which he is ranked 26th with total worth of $20 Billion.
He displayed strong rejection of the list and stated his assets of around 10 Billion dollars are unreported by the magazine.
At present, Carlos Slim the business tycoon from Mexico is ranked first followed by Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates. Amanico Ortega, owner of Spanish retailer Zara added $19.5 billion last year and managed itself 3rd position in the list.
If Saudi's prince claim is to be believed, then he would manage to land himself in the top 10 wealthiest people in the world.
For India, Mukesh Ambani retained his wealthiest Indian title with rank 21st, followed by Laksmi Mittal at 41st and Azim Premji at 91st who gave $2.3 billion worth of shares to his education based foundation. The list had more than 1,426 billionaires with an aggregate of $ 5.4 trillion.
Tarun Bahuguna
Pahal A Milestone
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