शुक्रवार, 21 जनवरी 2011


One of the few things we have complete control over is our attitude.  When faced with adversity, we can choose to focus on the negative in the situation or the positive. A positive mental attitude, or PMA, is something everyone can adopt with a little practice.  The benefits of a PMA are beyond comprehension, and according to many achievers, the number one reason for their success .A positive mental attitude is seeing the benefits, opportunities, and good in situations rather than the setbacks, problems, and bad.  More important, it is focusing on this positive and using it to your advantage.  PMA is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can't be done.  It is the driving force behind persistence and perseverance.  There is a belief that nothing in this world is "good" or "bad", but rather everything is balanced and it is only our perception that makes good and bad.  Whether you believe that to be true or not, it is hard to debate that perception and attitude have much to do with how we view the world. Shortly after adopting a positive mental attitude you will find more opportunities, successes, and "good luck" in your life than ever before. The main reason for this is the universal principle that like attracts like.  PMA is a snowball effect that, once begun, builds and grows stronger with each positive event in your life.  Conversely, negative thought does the same, which is why it can be very difficult for negative people to change. The list of benefits of adopting a positive mental attitude goes on, however, one of the most compelling reasons for adopting a PMA is that it is the major part of having an attractive personality. Most people do not like to be around negative people.  A positive mental attitude shows in everything you say and do from casual conversation to your performance at work.  A PMA will help you in just about anything you do including increasing your income, being promoted at work, getting a new job, and in strengthening your relationships.  With these kinds of benefits, why Thουghtѕ аrе very powerful. Thеу affect уουr attitude, уουr beliefs аnd thе way уου carry yourself. Yουr attitude reflects іn уουr appearance, уουr face, уουr smile уουr eyes. Yes, people саn read уουr mind, οr аt lеаѕt whаt уουr body іѕ telling thеm аbουt whаt’s іn уουr mind. Thе problem іѕ thаt іt doesn’t еnd thеrе. Yουr attitude wіll аlѕο affect thе people around уου. It will affect how people react tο уου, whether thеу want tο hеlр уου οr nοt. Thе grеаt thing іѕ thаt уου аrе іn control! Thе type of attitude уου carry depends οn уου. Yου саn dесіdе tο hаνе a positive οr negative attitude.
Whеn уου hаνе a positive mental attitude уουr thουghtѕ wіll lift уου up. Thеу wіll fill уουr mind wіth possibilities. Motivational thουghtѕ аrе invigorating аnd саn spur уου іntο action. An added bonus іѕ thаt thе people around уου wіll bе energized bу уουr attitude. Thаt’s thе power οf a positive mental attitude.
Negative thουghtѕ οn thе οthеr hand hаνе a power sapping effect οn οthеr people. Thеу аrе lіkе аn energy vacuum thаt sucks thе vitality frοm everyone around thеm. In addition tο mаkіng уου look dumpy аnd gloomy, negative thουghtѕ саn turn a festive gathering іntο a funeral wake.
Thіnk οf уουr attitude lіkе a magnet. If уου hаνе a positive mental attitude уου attract people, whіlе іf уου hаνе a negative attitude уου repel thеm. Unless thеу аrе іn thе mental health profession οr јυѕt lіkе pain, people tend tο shy away frοm those whο carry a negative attitude around wіth thеm.
Yουr attitude defines уουr focus. Fοr example, іf уου сhοοѕе tο focus οn thе negative things іn thе world, watch thе news аnd listen tο thе latest gossip, уου аrе developing a negative attitude. Hοwеνеr, іf уου сhοοѕе tο focus οn thе positive things, οn things thаt аrе going well іn уουr life аnd thе world аt large, thеn уου аrе developing positive mental attitude.Yου hаνе much tο gain frοm developing a positive mental attitude. Fοr one, studies hаνе shown thаt a positive mental attitude promotes better health. Thеѕе same studies gο οn tο point out thаt thіѕ іѕ probably bесаυѕе thеѕе people generally hаνе less stress. Thаt’s bесаυѕе thеу аrе focusing οn solutions аnd whаt thеу want аnd nοt being frustrated ѕο οftеn!Then why would anyone choose negativity?

                                                       People саn tеll whаt’s οn уουr mind. Although thеу won’t bе аblе tο tеll exactly whаt уου аrе thinking аbουt,  thеу wіll hаνе a gοοd іdеа οf hοw уου аrе feeling. Thеу саn tеll іf уουr mind іѕ wandering іn a positive οr a negative direction. Thουghtѕ аrе very powerful. Thеу affect уουr attitude, уουr beliefs аnd thе way уου carry yourself. Yουr attitude reflects іn уουr appearance, уουr face, уουr smile уουr eyes. Yes, people саn read уουr mind, οr аt lеаѕt whаt уουr body іѕ telling thеm аbουt whаt’s іn уουr mind. Thе problem іѕ thаt іt doesn’t еnd thеrе. Yουr attitude wіll аlѕο affect thе people around уου. It wіll affect hοw people react tο уου, whether thеу want tο hеlр уου οr nοt. Thе grеаt thing іѕ thаt уου аrе іn control! Thе type οf attitude уου carry depends οn уου. Yου саn dесіdе tο hаνе a positive οr negative attitude.Whеn уου hаνе a positive mental attitude уουr thουghtѕ wіll lift уου up. Thеу wіll fill уουr mind wіth possibilities. Motivational thουghtѕ аrе invigorating аnd саn spur уου іntο action. An added bonus іѕ thаt thе people around уου wіll bе energized bу уουr attitude. Thаt’s thе power οf a positive mental attitude.Negative thουghtѕ οn thе οthеr hand hаνе a power sapping effect οn οthеr people. Thеу аrе lіkе аn energy vacuum thаt sucks thе vitality frοm everyone around thеm. In addition tο mаkіng уου look dumpy аnd gloomy, negative thουghtѕ саn turn a festive gathering іntο a funeral wake. Thіnk οf уουr attitude lіkе a magnet. If уου hаνе a positive mental attitude уου attract people, whіlе іf уου hаνе a negative attitude уου repel thеm. Unless thеу аrе іn thе mental health profession οr јυѕt lіkе pain, people tend tο shy away frοm those whο carry a negative attitude around wіth thеm. Yουr attitude defines уουr focus. Fοr example, іf уου сhοοѕе tο focus οn thе negative things іn thе world, watch thе news аnd listen tο thе latest gossip, уου аrе developing a negative attitude. Hοwеνеr, іf уου сhοοѕе tο focus οn thе positive things, οn things thаt аrе going well іn уουr life аnd thе world аt large, thеn уου аrе developing positive mental attitude. Yου hаνе much tο gain frοm developing a positive mental attitude. Fοr one, studies hаνе shown thаt a positive mental attitude promotes better health. Thеѕе same studies gο οn tο point out thаt thіѕ іѕ probably bесаυѕе thеѕе people generally hаνе less stress. Thаt’s bесаυѕе thеу аrе focusing οn solutions аnd whаt thеу want аnd nοt being frustrated ѕο οftеn!So..Friends,,Hava great attitude towards your life to make it the best one.

क्या ये आज़ादी के बाद की गुलामी है?

देश के  युवा युवतियां  आज एक ही सुर में आवाज को बुलंद करने की एक नाकाम सी कोशिश में लगे हैं ! लेकिन, क्या ये" पहल" एक मिल का पत्थर बन पाएगी ? इस तरह के कई सवाल मेरे दिलों दिमाग में घूमते रहतें हें !जी हाँ ! में बात कर रहा हूँ हम लोगों की जो इस देश रहतें हैं . जहाँ पर कई महापुरुषों ने जनम लिया है और कई महान हस्तिओं ने इस देश के लिए अपना खून पानी की तरह बहाया है . क्या सही मायने में यही उनकी महनत  का इनाम होना चाहिए ? की जो देश किसी ज़माने में एक सोने की चिडया के नाम से विश्व विख्यात था क्या वो आज नहीं हे ? अब इसका खुलासा तो विकिलेक ने कर ही दिया हे . भला हो उस इंसान का जो दुनियां के सभी गैर क़ानूनी तरीके से धन कमा रहे धनकुबेरों के विषय में लोगों को जानकारी दे रहा  हैं . लेकिन हम हैं  की अब भी अपनी आवाज को बुलंद करने में लगें हें . क्यों नहीं हम इस आवाज को इतना बुलंद करते की देश के  इन भ्रष्ट लोगों के कानों के परदे तक हिल जाएँ और इस कदर हिले की इन भ्रष्ट लोगों की दिमाग की नसें तक हिल जाये और फट जाएँ . आखिर हम लोग कब तक अपने हक़ की रोटी को इन गदारों से भीख  के रूप में मागते रहेगें . एक बिदेशी बैंक में  जमा ये कला धन किसका है देश का हे क्योंकि  इन लोगों ने इसको देश से चोरी करके चुराया है . और चोर को पकडवाने के लिए कोई आप से आज कह रहा है और हम हैं की उस चोर की चोरी पर  पर्दा ढाल रहे हें ये कह कर की नहीं इनका नाम सामने न आने पाए . हम लोगों में से कितने लोग होंगे जो एक चोर की चोरी पकडे जाने पर उसको मारने से पिच्छे हटें होंगे ? तो ये लोग तो पुरे देश के लोगों की रजी रोटी के चोर हैं तो हम लोग चुप क्यों हें, आखिर क्यों ? क्यों हम लोग अपनी आवाज को" एक और आजादी की मांग की आवाज" नहीं बना लेते हैं . आजादी के ६३ वर्ष के बिताने बाद भी हम लोग कौन सी आजादी में जी रहे हैं . क्या ये आजादी है की मात्र २६ लोग देश की  पूरी जनता के मालिक  बने बैठे हैं . देश की सरकार , और देश की अदालत को भी वही ही चलतें हैं क्या इसी आजादी के लिए हमारे  महान पुरुषों ने अपनी  अपनी बलि दी थी की एक दिन फिर से हम लोग अपने ही लोगों की गुलामी की जंजीरों के कैदी बन सके. आखिर क्यों हम लोग इन लोगों के नाम नहीं जान सकते. क्या ये हमारे अधिकार में नहीं है ? या ये इन चंद (२६) काले धन के मालिकों ने संविधान को ही बदल दिया है . अब इसके आगे जो कुछ लिखने  जा रहे हूँ वो तो आज कल के समाचारों की सुर्खियाँ बना हुआ है लेकिन क्या हम आप सही में यही चाहतें थे,हैं ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ????????????                                                                                                                              280 लाख करोड़ का सवाल है ...
भारतीय गरीब है लेकिन भारत देश कभी गरीब नहीं रहा"* ये कहना है स्विस बैंक के डाइरेक्टर का. स्विस बैंक के डाइरेक्टर ने यह भी कहा है कि भारत का लगभग २८० लाख करोड़ रुपये (280 ,00 ,000 ,000 ,000) उनके स्विस बैंक में जमा है. ये रकम इतनी है कि भारत का आने वाले 30 सालों का बजट बिना टैक्स के बनाया जा सकता है.या यूँ कहें कि 60 करोड़ रोजगार के अवसर दिए जा सकते है. या यूँ भी कह सकते है कि भारत के किसी भी गाँव से दिल्ली तक 4 लेन रोड बनाया जा सकता है. ऐसा भी कहसकते है कि 500 से ज्यादा सामाजिक प्रोजेक्ट पूर्ण किये जा सकते है. ये रकम इतनी ज्यादा है कि अगर हर भारतीय को 2000 रुपये हर महीने भी दिए जाये तो ६० साल तक ख़त्म ना हो. यानी भारत को किसी वर्ल्ड बैंक से लोन लेने कि कोई जरुरत नहीं है. जरा सोचिये ... हमारे भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं और नोकरशाहों ने कैसे देश को लूटा है और ये लूट का सिलसिला अभी तक 2010 तक जारी है. इस सिलसिले को अब रोकना बहुत ज्यादा जरूरी हो गया है. अंग्रेजो ने हमारे भारत पर करीब 200 सालो तक राज करके करीब 1 लाख करोड़ रुपये लूटा. मगर आजादी के केवल 64 सालों में हमारे भ्रस्टाचार ने २८० लाख करोड़ लूटा है. एक तरफ 200 साल में 1 लाख करोड़ है और दूसरी तरफ केवल ६४ सालों में 280 लाख करोड़ है. यानि हर साल लगभग 4.37 लाख करोड़, या  हर महीने करीब 36 हजार करोड़ भारतीय मुद्रा स्विस बैंक में इन भ्रष्ट लोगों द्वारा जमा करवाई गई है. भारत को किसी वर्ल्ड बैंक के लोन की कोई दरकार नहीं है. सोचो की कितना पैसा हमारे भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं और उच्च अधिकारीयों ने ब्लाक करके रखा हुआ है. हमे भ्रस्ट राजनेताओं और भ्रष्ट अधिकारीयों के खिलाफ जाने का पूर्ण अधिकार है.हाल ही में हुवे घोटालों का आप सभी को पता ही है - CWG घोटाला, २ जी स्पेक्ट्रुम घोटाला , आदर्श होउसिंग घोटाला ... और ना जाने कौन कौन से घोटाले अभी उजागर होने वाले है ........आप लोग जोक्स फॉरवर्ड करते ही हो. इसे भी इतना फॉरवर्ड करो की पूरा भारत इसे पढ़े ... और एक आन्दोलन बन जाये ... सदियो की ठण्डी बुझी राख सुगबुगा उठी, मिट्टी सोने का ताज् पहन इठलाती है। दो राह, समय
के रथ का घर्घर नाद सुनो,सिहासन खाली करो की जनता आती है। जनता? हां, मिट्टी की अबोध् मूर्ते वही, जाडे पाले की कसक सदा सहने वाली, जब् अन्ग अन्ग मे लगे सांप  हो चूस् रहे,

शुक्रवार, 14 जनवरी 2011


I think we tend to blame whoever we can, whenever we can, for anything and everything that goes wrong.However, I will definitely say that its important for parents, not just mothers, to keep an eye on what their kids do. Considering  social roles, where i come from, a man is responsible for the family’s finances, a woman takes care of the household and its members. These responsibilities are to be shared though as much as possible. A mother has greater responsibility to the direct care taking of her children, however, this is not an obligation a man is free from either. So i guess its safe to say that both parents should be held accountable, rather then just the mother..Some ask who is to blame for such actions. Is it the child who is to blame for their actions? Or is it the parents for not properly raising the child? Simply put, a child can not be blamed for their action unless they know what they are doing is wrong. In order to blame the child, the child must have been raised properly by parents who won't  tolerate such behavior. That in itself kills the notion that the child is to blame due to the fact that if they know its wrong then they know they are going to be punished appropriately. No child will go out of their way to seek punishment; it's a simple fact of life. I can remember all too clearly the beating' I received as a child. And today I am proud of my accomplishments. Best of all, I still love my parents and don't blame them at all for their actions.
Parents today don't seem to discipline their children enough. To this day whatever the child wants, he gets. If he wants extra sugar poured on his frosted flakes, he gets it. If he wants chocolate milk he gets it. If he sees a new toy in the store he gets it. The child is beyond spoiled. Why is it that the child has progressed to this disgusting state? It is due to the fact that the mother is afraid to say no to him, because every time she has in the past he makes such an incredible scene that she will just cave in to quiet him. You have all likely seen a child like this at one point or another in a store. He is the one who wants  some Pokemon cards but his parents said no. In order to get said cards he begins to throw items on the floor and scream at the top of his lungs. He will begin to cry .This causes the parent to become embarrassed and instead of handling the situation properly by removing the child from the store instead buys him TWO packages of Pokemon cards in order to quiet him. Sadly this happens  every time the child is brought to a shopping mall or a department store. Parents must remember that it is not up to the child to raise itself. If you were to ask a child what it would rather, a candy or some lettuce which do you think the child would choose. The answer is obvious, the child would pick candy. The reason being that they cannot understand that candy is not good for the body. In fact if the child were to eat too many candies they could develop severe health problems. Therefore it is up to the parent to discourage bad choices in a child. It is up to the parent to prevent such wrong choices from happening again.
Think what the child enjoys most, and then remove it. If they enjoy television why not remove their access to a television. Do they like video games? Remove the game system. Teaching a child right and wrong is not the easiest thing in the world. However it is one of if not the most important aspects to being a parent. Through proper parenting one can reduce the risk that their child will grow up to thieve, deal drugs or commit other criminal acts. A well brought up child can become a great member of society, but a child who grew up knowing nothing but the wrong actions is nearly doomed to become a failure. Think of your children, think of what you want them to become. I doubt anyone wants their child to live on the streets and be unhappy. Give them the best opportunity you can. I am also not too much mature to write exact aspects of this discussion..but  being a youngster,I always feel bad when noticed  behavior of children in my surrounding. Really their behaviour shocked even not me, to all of us..Parents need to be more conscious about this.

बुधवार, 12 जनवरी 2011


India is a conglomeration of men and women of various castes and creed. It is a fusion of old traditional values and the modern principles, thus satisfying all the three generations in the present India. If talking about cities, how one can avoid Villages…A village may seem smaller & lil bit backward as compare to any city..but it has the real fragrance of our mother india..The simplicity ,these villages carry…cant eva modern town imagine to have…The love & bonding, that here’s ppl possess…cant be easily found in smart people of cities…the kindness & helping nature we see here…cant think of expect dat in a city buddy…strange but very true somewhere..big deal..you will always see joint families in most of villages…dey believe to live with dignity and unity..people olwaz carry respect  for deir elders  in family...awesome the feel of village life…but the sadness is that people still follow Stuck Limited Beliefs..that none made…but these people ownself made…most of the time I gt lost in thinking of these False assumptions…and when came out frm  this feel…I conclude everytime that WHERE WE ARE TODAY????
“CASTEISM”-The casteism that we find today is a materialistic body-based system of designation that has become a way of oppressing the lower social orders of people. It says that if you are born in a family of a certain classification, then you are of the same class, regardless of what else you may do. In casteism, birth is the determinative factor in deciding one's social standing. It dictates that your social order, occupational potential and characteristics are the same as your parents, which is a label that may have been placed on a family hundreds of years ago.Casteism says that if you are born of a brahmana family, then you are a Brahman, no matter whether you truly exhibit the genuine characteristics of a Brahman or not. And if you are also born in a kshatriya family, or a vaisya or shudra family, then that is what you must be. It is as if when born in a doctor's family, the child is also considered a doctor. However, this requires the proper training and perception to see if the child will be a qualified doctor or not. Just being born in the family of a doctor does not mean that the children will also be doctors, although this may help. But they surely are not doctors merely by birth. God…Plz can any one give break to all these fakeness!!!At least We all get fed up..
        This is the society,,,where your caste is judged everytime..either talking about  any entrance test or any marriage case…In entrance exams..Priorities are always given to low caste people…U know Why????Only coz the people born in high castes still following this fake society of castes..Actually this trend should not be followed any more..Its started from ancient time..but with time,we need to break this trend..All are same..Being a Thakur…I hava also a bit regret that I am also bound to such a surrounding..But at least have that mentality to protest this thing..Also if talking about marriages,,80 percent youngsters following  inter caste marriage. Really.casteism is an evil that has made the rules and regulations of the Hindu tradition biased and unfair. Discrimination based on the caste system has ruined the society and created differences among the people belonging to different castes. Marriage is a sacred institution especially in context of Indian customs. Even when the world has become so advanced there are people who follow strict caste rules. Marriages in the Hindu society are caste driven; inter-caste marriages are considered to be a sin and are not approved by the elders..Even..There are few villages also where marriage with in a same village is a sin..no matter if both of the people are from same caste..Where few believes that if they are raj put or Brahmin ,then girl for their son should be only raj put or Brahmin..They don’t want to involve in another culture…Really need a break…What kind of assumptions we are following..We afraid of loosing our reputation in society..Is this a society, for whom you break all relations with your dear ones??or for whom we just buried our emotions just to  dance along with this false assumptions based society people??
                We all need to broaden our mentality..Because this will fruit nothing to follow such a stuck rules and thinking…It will Only create gap between young and old generation..Being successful with your relations is much better than to leave your's Seed in ruin condition..Fear of Reputation and cultural difference can add  dignity to yours satisfaction…but it will also add the sin of  leaving yours dear one in critical conditions…Think please...Time is changing…Why Can’t We?????Don’t know when this question will get erase from Indian culture..But I am feeling satisfaction as Today wrote on this topic. I know it was not enough, But At least a starting to spread a Bombastic view.Hope,I wrote everything fairly.

बुधवार, 5 जनवरी 2011


Considered to be the most stylish and fashionable form of body modification, Body Piercing is, indeed, becoming an exceptionally popular trend equally among the young and old. Be it ears, nose, lips, tongue, cheeks, eyebrows, belly buttons or even genital organs, a person can leave no part of his body unexposed. Although body piercing is an art form that has been in practice for centuries now, the central purpose of undergoing it has changed dramatically over the last few years. While people initially adopted for getting their body pierced as a sign of spirituality, religion, conformism, eroticism and sub-cultural identification, The modern youth has surpassed these symbols and accepted body piercing as a chic, cool and appealing fashion accessory.In the present era, more and more people are becoming fashion conscious and when it comes to fashion, it crosses all boundaries. There is nothing defined as to what all is covered in the ambit of fashion. Body piercing has become a popular fashion of today. Though, it has been practiced since the ancient times, but in the contemporary times, this tradition has received a great impetus. This body art has been increasingly gaining popularity, especially amongst the youngsters. Body piercing is truly driving the entire nation crazy. Teenagers are virtually getting their each and every body part pierced including ears, nose, tongue, lips, eyebrows etc. But, the downside is that people are trying to become fashionable and trendy at the expense of their sound health. They are going in for body piercing without being aware of the various health hazards associated with it. Well, in this article, we will provide you with information on the body piercing danger,
 Oral piercing is opening the gateway for various problems like excessive bleeding, infection, swollen tongue etc. Sometimes; tongue piercing causes the swallowing of small pieces of jewelry, which can become a serious cause of concern. The risk factors associated with body piercing can be attributed to the unhealthy surroundings and use of non sterilized equipment at the time of piercing. Body piercing requires aftercare, which many people fail to do and the result is infection. The other disadvantages of body piercing are in the form of skin dimpling that happens when the jewelry is removed from the pierced area. Keloid is another problem that comes along with this body art. When the scar tissues try to interfere with the normal tissues, it leads to the development of keloids. Every body part has its own specific risks that need to be taken care of. There arises a need to pay special attention on the way body piercing is done and its aftercare requirement.
                            If left uncared, body piercing can lead to infection thereby causing scarring and, in severe cases, blood poisoning. Thus, body piercing can be highly dangerous and very unattractive when infected. Piercing requires a great deal of research in finding the right place where the stud is to be inserted. In case the piercing is not placed carefully, it can accidentally be pushed through a nerve which is highly painful and dangerous. In extreme cases, the area surrounding the piercing can be sedated to any feeling permanently. If the piercing coincidentally hits a blood vessel in the process, it can only land you on the emergency bed of a hospital. Large blood vessels, when wounded, are difficult to heal, thereby making it another demerit of body piercing. All people who are sensitive to certain metals should largely keep away from getting any body part pierced, as doing so can only severe the reaction of the jewelry on the skin. The increasing rash, swelling and difficulty in breathing can only make matters worse for you causing shock or even hospitalization. All those willing to get their lip, tongue or cheeks pierced, here’s a word of caution. Be prepared to face the several dental risks that are likely to arise from such oral piercing. Chipped teeth, worn tooth enamel, damage to the gums and jaw line from wear, tongue swelling, and aspiration are just a few of the many health illnesses that you might face. So.frenz think twice when you will make up your mind for  Piercing. It’s nothing, Just a charm, which will fade away soon.

सोमवार, 3 जनवरी 2011


New HIV Saliva Test Delivers Results In Just 20 Minutes in UK. Patients being tested for HIV from a mouth swab placed in their mouth can now get their results in just 20 minutes.

Barts and the London NHS Trust is the first organisation in the United Kingdom to run the test which is now being considered for use by other London NHS trusts and has generated interest from overseas healthcare organisations.

The swab test - using a special absorbent toothbrush placed in the gum line - picks up HIV antibody markers from oral fluid. It is referred to as a "point of care" test and removes the need to wait a week for blood test results, reducing anxiety on behalf of patients and enabling clinicians to provide rapid access to further care and treatment where required.
A research study of the test has been successfully trialled at Ambrose King clinic at The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel and at Barts Sexual Health Clinic at Barts Hospital in the City of London. Around 200 people at the Trust's clinics have undergone the test since March and about 250 patients per month are expected to take it in future.

The trial at Barts and The London was part of a large scale research study of 1,500 patients which compared the rapid oral fluid HIV test alongside laboratory-run HIV blood testing.
The study found that the oral fluid point of care test performed comparably to routine HIV serological testing, with 75% of those questioned stating they would prefer an oral fluid test rather than undergoing blood tests. 40% of respondents thought that availability of an oral fluid test would have encouraged them to test for HIV sooner.Patients much prefer this saliva test. The effect of the quick result reduces the anxiety of waiting tremendously. Whereas other clinics do a finger prick test, this oral test is quicker and very popular.

Approximately a third of people in the UK who are HIV-positive are currently unaware of their condition. There are still very real problems due to people who are not testing until they have become unwell as a result of undiagnosed HIV infection. This means that treatment that is now widely available may not work as effectively. Making testing for HIV quicker and easier is a real step towards getting people to test sooner. As this test doesn't require us to take blood or send samples to a laboratory..Really, its a time to say Big Deal to HIV..But this test is only available in Foreign. and all can’t afford it as it is quiet expensive.
 Also, Research team of scientists have searched a Rapid CD+T4 cell based HIV test, that gives result within 20 minutes. And the thing of joy is that this rapid test is available in India also. This test doesn’t need any complex laboratory..It just takes a blood sample from finger. and checks the quantity of CD+T4 cells quantity in human body. These cells are really critical for a healthy immune system and these cells  get destroyed  when person get HIV infected. But here also, all can’t take benefit of this test as it is quiet expensive.Hope in the coming time, all will be able to take benefit of this test as this is the amazing step toward HIV fight. We can hope for new technologies in the coming time.

"WORDS" Can Win Anything...As Not The WEALTH..

“WORDS” are that amazing weapon that can win any situation. A single wrote Word can leave that tremendous effect that not your verbal lines. Listening is a nice skill...but We always take interest in written articles..The reason is only that by pen down our words...we can express things much better in the way we want. Here’s again an interested question- Why should people write? But an equally important question is – If You Write, Why Do It Well? Why not simply put the words down as quickly as possible and then be freed to do other things? Actually, the question is broader than that – why do anything well? Isn’t it much easier to do something quickly and “get it over with?” Yes, but as I think Writing well is important for the following few reasons-
Writing is a window into your thinking. If you are with others, but are silent, it is likely those around you will have little or no idea of what you think. Even if you speak, talking is an imperfect form of communication because it is quick, typically disjointed, stream-of-consciousness, and often not well-thought out. But writing is much different. Your writing provides a reader an opportunity – at their own pace – to consider your written words as if they are your thoughts, to contemplate them, to study them, even to re-read them so as to understand your thinking. Writing thus is far more effective communication – both for you in expressing your ideas, and for the reader in grasping them.
Writing is a process of clarifying your thoughts. Bcoz writing usually is more deliberate, you can better organize your ideas, not only into the structure of good written English, but also as to your thoughts behind your words. Writing gives you an opportunity to “say what you mean” in a manner that is more meaningful.
Writing is an expression of yoz feelings. Just as your thoughts are important to organize and communicate, your feelings are even more so. Because feelings once put into words can either be sublime influencers of others (good), or bludgeons that harm others (bad). In the heat of emotion, how often do words escape our lips, which the instant spoken cannot be retracted, no matter how much we wish otherwise? Sometimes a wise path, when in a state of emotional duress, is not to speak, but rather to take the time to write our thoughts. This extra time allows us to sort through our emotions, calm down, and not express something we later will regret.

Writing is a record for history. Writing can be permanent, meaning that you, or any reader, can return to your written words some time later – maybe when it is convenient for that reader – to then understand your thoughts. Not only is writing important, as a record for other readers, but it also can be important for you. If you keep a journal, which is writing for yourself, it can be quite illuminating to pick up your written words many years later, and read them back as a record of what you expressed then. Sometimes you can see yourself in a totally different and unexpected light. You may think, “My gosh! I wrote this! I don’t remember that I had those thoughts then.” Or, “Now I see situations differently.” Don’t you want to leave the best record for history to judge you, even if that judge is yourself?